Info Game
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance bercerita tentang Marche (walau nama ini dapat diubah oleh pemain), Mewt, Ritz, dan Doned; empat anak yang hidup di sebuah kota kecil bernama St. Ivalice (nama yang sama dengan permainan pendahulunya Final Fantasy Tactics di PlayStation). Game ini dimulai ketika waktu pelajaran sekolah dimulai. Pada waktu itu akan dijelaskan dasar-dasar cara bermain game ini. Ketika permainan berlangsung akan terjadi "cutscene" yang memperlihatkan Mewt dilempari dengan bola salju oleh anak-anak nakal, dan akhirnya Mewt kesakitan karena terkena bola salju berbatu (dan permainan tersebut diakhiri karena insiden tersebut terjadi). Lalu, Marche (karakter anda), Mewt, Ritz, dan Doned (Adik Karaktermu) membaca sebuah buku kuno (yang mereka kira adalah buku biasa). Akhirnya anak-anak ini menemukan diri mereka dipindahkan ke sebuah alam dengan nama yang sama dengan kota mereka ("Ivalice"). Alam Ivalice yang magis ini tampaknya merupakan manifestasi Mewt terhadap permainan "Final Fantasy", yang sering dimainkan keempat anak ini. Nah, bagaimana usaha dan pertarungan Marche untuk kembali ke dunia nyata? Jawabanya ada di akhir permainan ini...
Permainan ini adalah sebuah RPG
strategi di mana pemain membentuk sebuah klan dari karakter-karakter
individual, dan mengendalikan aksi mereka dalam pertarungan dan aksinya
di dalam permainan. Fokus yang kuat terdapat pada kebebasan pemain,
dengan keleluasaan penuh untuk menentukan kelas, kemampuan dan statistik
para karakter (namun tentu tetap dalam peraturan permainan).
Bagi banyak orang, jalan cerita dan
tampilan permainan terkesan ceria, walau popularitas permainan ini
merentang dari anak-anak sampai pemain dewasa. Walau banyak elemen
dalam Final Fantasy Tactics Advance memiliki kesamaan dengan "saudaranya" di versi PlayStation, judul ini memperkenalkan sistem peraturan yang baru.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance kadang disebut Tactics Advance atau hanya Tactics,
meskipun yang terakhir bisa menyebabkan kebingungan dengan permainan
Final Fantasy Tactics yang memilki nama sama. Permainan ini juga umum
disingkat menjadi FFTA.
Tips Bermain
Game ini sedikit (baca: banyak) menguras tenaga dan pikiran anda dalam bermain (ketika melawan musuh yang sulit terutama). So, jangan lupa... Kalo main jangan lama-lama (ntar dimarahin ama ortu :3). Sebelum mengambil misi anda harus lebih dahulu pergi ke pub (terdapat penjelasan misi-misi tersebut sebelum anda menerimanya). Nanti ada keterangan dimana tempatnya, hadiahnya, bisa funds, senjata,
perisai, baju, aksesoris, dll. Nah, baru anda membelinya. Senjata, baju,
aksesoris, dll ini bepengaruh pada kekuatan anda nanti. Ada yang
menambah Power, Sp. Power, Magic, Sp. Magic, Defence, Evade, dll. Nah,
biasanya dalam sebuah senjata terkandung skill yang bisa anda lakukan
dengan senjata itu, atau bisa anda lakukan tanpa senjata itu dengan
syarat anda memasterkan skill itu. Biasanya butuh beberapa kali
bertarung. Saat bertarung ada pilihan Move, Action, Items, dan Status.
Move berarti anda berjalan sesuai dengan kemampuan berjalan anda. ini
ditentukan oleh sepatu yang anda pakai. Action berarti anda beraksi
misal menyerang, menyembuhkan, dll. Items berarti anda mengunakan barang
misal potion untuk menyembuhkan. Dalam game ini anda akan diberi 6
karakter pada awal game. Yaitu, human, vierra, nu mou, moogle, dan
bangaa. Nah, anda bisa berubah job atau evolve. Misal dari Soldier
menjadi paladin atau fighter. Tetapi, hati-hati jika menggunakan skill,
karena ada beberapa skill yang dilarang, tetapi skill ini berbeda beda
setiap pertarungan. Kalau salah gunakan skill bisa mendapat kartu merah
atau kuning. Bercanda ? Tidak ! ini kenyataan. Kalo ada pertanyaan boleh tanya di comment.
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Game Info
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance tells Marche ( although this name can be changed by the player ) , Mewt , Ritz , and Doned ; four children living in a small town called St . Ivalice ( the same name as its predecessor Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation ) . The game begins when the time school starts . At that time there will be explained the basics of how to play this game . As the game progresses there will be " cutscene " which shows Mewt pelted with snowballs by mischievous children , and finally Mewt pain because exposed by rocky snowballs ( and the game ended because the incident occurred ) . Then , Marche ( your character ) , Mewt , Ritz , and Doned ( Your character 's sister ) reading an ancient book ( which they think is a regular book ) . Finally, these children find themselves transferred to a world with the same name as their city ( " Ivalice " ) . Ivalice is magical world seems to be a manifestation Mewt the game " Final Fantasy " , which is often played four children. Well , how bout Marche and his effort to get back to the real world ? The answer is at the end of this game ...
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance tells Marche ( although this name can be changed by the player ) , Mewt , Ritz , and Doned ; four children living in a small town called St . Ivalice ( the same name as its predecessor Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation ) . The game begins when the time school starts . At that time there will be explained the basics of how to play this game . As the game progresses there will be " cutscene " which shows Mewt pelted with snowballs by mischievous children , and finally Mewt pain because exposed by rocky snowballs ( and the game ended because the incident occurred ) . Then , Marche ( your character ) , Mewt , Ritz , and Doned ( Your character 's sister ) reading an ancient book ( which they think is a regular book ) . Finally, these children find themselves transferred to a world with the same name as their city ( " Ivalice " ) . Ivalice is magical world seems to be a manifestation Mewt the game " Final Fantasy " , which is often played four children. Well , how bout Marche and his effort to get back to the real world ? The answer is at the end of this game ...
This game is a strategy RPG where players form a clan of individual characters , and controlling their actions in battle and action in the game . There is a strong focus on player freedom , with full discretion to determine the class , abilities and stats of the character ( but of course still in the game rules ) .For many people , the story and look of the game seem cheerful , despite the popularity of these games spanning from children to adult players . Although many elements in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance has similarities with the " It's brother " in the PlayStation version , this title introduced a new regulatory system .Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Tactics Advance or sometimes referred to simply Tactics , although the latter could lead to confusion with the game Final Fantasy Tactics that have the same name . The game is also commonly shortened to FFTA .
Tips to Play
The game is a little (read : a lot) and draining your mind in play (when fighting an enemy difficult especially). So, do not forget ... DO NOT PLAY TOO LONG. Before taking the mission you must first go to the pub (there is an explanation of the missions before you receive it). And there is a description in which place , prize , funds , weapons , shields , clothing , accessories , etc. . Well , you can buy it . Weapons , armor , accessories , etc. This will affect on your strength later . There are add Power , Sp . Power , Magic , Sp . Magic , Defense , Evade , etc. . Well , usually contained in a weapon skill that you can do with the gun , or you can do it without weapons on the condition that you mastery skills . It usually takes a few times to fight . When there is a choice to fight the Move , Action , Items , and Status . Move means you run in accordance with your ability to walk . This is determined by the shoes you wear . Action means you act such attack , heal , etc. . Items such goods means you use potions to heal . In this game you will be given 6 characters at the beginning of the game . That is , human , vierra , nu mou , moogle , and bangaa . Well , you can change the job or evolve . Example of a Soldier be paladin or fighter . However , be careful when using the skill , because there are some skills that are prohibited , but this skill is different every fight . If one can have the skill to use a red or yellow card . Joking ? Not ! this is fact. If there are any question you can ask it in the comment below.
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